Glaciers Bomb is Clicking in 2024 | ISRO Report Positive

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Glaciers Bomb is Clicking in 2024, You must have read and seen many reports on the danger of rising sea level, but do you know that if the sea level continues to rise, the entire earth will be submerged in sea water and when this happens, neither you nor we will be saved. We are not telling you the imaginary story of any science fiction movie, but we are telling you the truth which needs to be feared.

 Now the question is, why is the sea level rising and what will happen if it continues like this? Today we will tell you the answers to all these questions. But first we want to warn you about the danger of rapidly melting glaciers. You must have seen many videos in which big glaciers break and fall. Believe me, these melting glaciers are more dangerous than any natural disaster because earthquakes can occur in any area.

 Flood occurs in a particular area, rain affects a particular area, you can bear extreme heat, extreme cold can also be tolerated, but the melting of glaciers is the biggest natural disaster of all, regarding which the Indian Space Research Organization That is, ISRO released a report.

Glaciers Bomb is Clicking 

 ISRO has told in its report that how year after year The size and water level of the Himalayan lakes is increasing. According to the report, the size of the same lake which was about 36 hectares in the year 1989, increased year by year to 60 hectares in the year 2008.

 In the year 2014, the same Himalayan lake was 7.59 hectares. It was spread in the area, but in the year 2020, the size of the lake increased to 95 hectares and then in the year 2022, it increased almost three times to 101 hectares as compared to the year 1989. ISRO has said in its report that 601 lakes of the Himalayas have increased more than two times.

 There are 10 lakes whose size has increased by one and a half to two times, while the size of 65 lakes has increased by one and a half times. The biggest reason for the rapid melting of glaciers is the increasing temperature of the earth. According to NASA, the average temperature of the earth since 1800 till now.

 It has increased by 1.1 degrees Celsius, which can increase up to 1.5 degrees Celsius in the next two decades. The increase in the temperature of the earth directly means that in the coming time, there are many dangers due to the melting of glaciers and the rapid melting of glaciers. This will lead to loss of lakes in the Himalayas.

There will be an increase in the water level due to which there will be a danger of bursting of lakes. This had already happened in October 2023. Then the bursting of Lon Lake of Sikkim caused a huge devastation in which 180 people lost their lives and there was a loss of about Rs 5000 crore. Now in the Himalayas.

The size of more than 600 lakes has doubled. This has happened due to the melting of glaciers, which is an alarm bell. Due to this increase in the size of the lakes, there is a danger of the lake bursting. Due to the bursting of the lake, there will be a danger of floods in the rivers if the water of the lake leaks.

 There will be a situation of landslides, the water of the lakes will go into the sea, this will increase the sea level, the source of fresh water in Asian countries are glaciers, their melting will create a crisis of drinking water, warned in a report of Kathmandu-based International Center for Integrated Mountain Development.

It was said that in the coming few years, due to melting glaciers, there will be a serious drinking water crisis for about 2 billion people in more than 12 countries of Asia because these glaciers are the main source of water for about 12 big rivers of Asia. These include rivers like Ganga, Yamuna and Brahmaputra.

 If we look at its effects, the first effect will be that of flash floods. The flash floods will be so catastrophic that nothing will be able to stand on the way, no structure of any kind will be able to stand and as I used the word that in the Himalayan Tsunami, it will be transformed; secondly, when this happens, then there will be a terrible water crisis in India, not that it is not there now, but we, the people who depend on it, the entire civilization has flourished according to it. The

Glaciers Bomb is Clicking
Glaciers Bomb is Clicking in 2024

 Himalayas have flourished only because of the rivers, so when that river itself ends in some time, first there will be extreme flash floods and after that there will be a water crisis. The danger of melting glaciers is not only this, but the sea level level is also in danger.

According to the report of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), between 2013 and 2022, the sea level is rising at the rate of 4.

 62 mm, which is twice the rate of 1993 to 2002. How big is the sea level rise? There is a danger, now understand it. According to a report by the United Nations, if the sea level continues to rise in this manner, then by the year 2100, five countries will be submerged in the sea or will no longer be habitable.

 The World Bank and other organizations fear that the Maldives will be submerged by the year 2100. The common people may not feel this danger today, they are worried about the melting of glaciers and the rising water level of the sea, but the way the earth’s temperature is increasing and the glaciers are falling.

 They are melting, it is a matter of concern and there is a need to work for its solution. The rising water level of the sea can become a major reason for the destruction of the earth. This will happen due to the increasing temperature on the earth and the increase in the temperature of the earth is the biggest reason.

 The reason is the emission of carbon dioxide. In the year 1940, the emission of carbon dioxide was 5 billion metric tons, which has increased seven times to 36 billion metric tons in the year 2021. In the last few decades, the use of vehicles has increased in the world. The number of airplanes has increased.

 Apart from this, the use of coal in generating electricity has increased the amount of green house gases in the environment due to which the earth’s temperature is increasing. This is a matter of concern, but some important steps can be taken to reduce the rising temperature of the earth.

 We will have to take steps like reducing carbon dioxide emissions, reducing dependence on fossil fuels like petrol, diesel and coal, promoting green energy like solar wind and nuclear energy. Countries around the world including India are working in this direction, basically global.

There is a need to stop the warming and reduce its effects and we will have to take many measures not only at the local level but also at the international level because if you look at the concept of global warming, since the Industrial Revolution Started where the use of machines

started in the 18th century, since then the concept of global warming came that a lot of green house gases like methane and all this started coming out, so this effect which is there when the industry is happening on the entire world level, it happened because of that and We are seeing its effect in India also.

 In December last year, there was a Conference of Parties regarding global warming, the purpose of which was to stop the rising temperature and find a solution. In this conference, all the countries came together to deal with global warming. Some targets were set, it was decided to keep the rising global temperature within the range of 1.

Glaciers Bomb is Clicking 

 5 degree Celsius, it was decided to increase green energy three times by the year 2030, it was also decided to reduce methane gas emissions by the year 2030. All the countries had talked about reducing dependence on fossil fuels. India is working towards controlling the rising temperature in the world. India has committed to become net zero by the year 2070 i.e. to remove the same amount of carbon dioxide as it emits.

Whereas China has set a target of 2060 for net zero. Considering how serious a problem global warming has become, now the world will have to take necessary steps to deal with this problem, otherwise the danger which we have mentioned. It was said at the beginning of this news that the danger is not far away.

Jai Hind !

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