Who is trying to stop Indian Weapons export. 2024

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Who is trying to stop Indian Weapons export.If you have become a devotee of any one country, be it Russia, then today you need to open your eyes very much because this news will tell you how countries use their friendly countries for their own benefit. They do not shy away from hurting even the countries. See the news yourself on your screen.
Who is trying to stop Indian Weapons export

The report has come out that Iran has blocked the path of Indian weapons and all this has happened at the behest of Russia. I am not saying this. This has been said by an Armenian MP who is associated with the government and here Which weapons have been talked about to be stopped? Actually it is India’s AT AGS i.e. Advanced Towed Artillery Gun System. Actually it is India’s indigenous i.e. a type of howitzer made by us, i.e. a cannon.

  And these guns were bought by Armenia from us a few months ago, that is, we were delivering these guns to Armenia through Iran. Why through Iran because Armenia is a country which is a land locked country. That is, they are surrounded by land on all sides, they do not have access to the sea and what is even more troubling is that they have enemy countries on two sides of this country, on one side is Turkey and on the other side is Azerbaijan and both these countries are for Armenia. They are like China and Pakistan for us.

  These two countries together want to destroy this small country Armenia and in the last 3 years there have been two wars between these two countries with Armenia and during these two wars, hundreds of cannons present in the army of Armenia were destroyed. They had been destroyed, that is why Armenia wanted to replace these cannons as soon as possible because the possibility of war still remained.

Who is trying to stop Indian Weapons export

  Azerbaijan and Turkey together can attack Armenia at any time, that is why Armenia wanted to buy new cannon as soon as possible, but they did not want to take help from Russia nor did they want to buy any kind of weapon from Russia because Russia He has proved to be a great deceiver for them because during both the wars, in the last three years, Russia had repeatedly sworn that we would come to the aid of Armenia, and they have even signed a written treaty with Armenia. That if someone attacks you, that attack will be considered on Russia and Russia will enter the battlefield with you.

  But what did Russia do? It betrayed Armenia in both the wars and leave aside supporting Armenia, it joined hands with its enemies i.e. Turkey and Azerbaijan. The result of this betrayal was that during the last 3 years in both these wars, many people died. Azerbaijan had snatched away kilometers of their land and now they want to snatch more land, that is why they did not want to buy Russian weapons, especially Russian cannons.

  And that is why they took refuge in India and India also decided to help them because their enemy is Turkey and also India’s, that is why India made them a friend and started selling AT AGS i.e. its new indigenously manufactured Visor guns to Armenia. gave

Who is trying to stop Indian Weapons export

But the question was how to deliver these guns to Armenia because Armenia is surrounded by enemies on all sides, that is why the help of Iran was taken because they share a border with Iran and their relations with Iran are also good, hence India got this through Iran. The artillery has started reaching Armenia. Now everything was going well in the last few months but now the report has come out from Armenia that now Iran is creating hurdles in the supply of these AT AGS and is trying to stop them. And all this is being done at the behest of Russia as you can see the article on the screen.

  It is clearly stated in the article that a law maker of Armenia has given a statement that Iran, at the behest of Russia, is not allowing Indian weapons to reach Armenia and is creating obstacles in their supply and all this needs to be done. Has been under the pressure of Russia and as you see the article once again on the screen, it is clearly stated that when an ambassador of Iran was asked a question on this allegation of the Armenian MP,

Who is trying to stop Indian Weapons export

He refused to answer and this But no one gave any answer, they just said that we want Armenia to become a powerful country, but when asked why are you creating obstacles in the supply, they did not give any answer on this.

  But your question will be that why would Russia do this, what benefit would Russia get from it and if it had to do it then why did it not do it a year ago because India has been supplying these AT AGS guns to Armenia for the last one year and then suddenly So let me tell you the whole story.

See, a year ago, when we started supplying arms to Armenia, at that time Russia felt that they were buying them in small quantities and in the end, Russia itself had them. We will have to come, especially for advanced weapons, if we buy cannons etc. from India then let us buy 100-200 million, India will also earn from this, we will not suffer any loss from this.

  But a few months ago, the Prime Minister of Armenia made this statement in the open that now we will not buy Russian weapons at all and now we will buy weapons only from India and France.

Who is trying to stop Indian Weapons export

We will buy advanced weapons from both these countries because Russia is a very big This is a deceitful country. It has betrayed our country again and again.He has given this statement on record, if you want you can go and see it.

Now right after this statement, Armenia did the same, they gave a big order to India for AT AGS spawn and also bought Pina rocket from India and now reports are coming that Armenia is going to buy BrahMos missile from India, that is, it India is going to buy and buy arms worth billions of dollars, not just a few 100 million.

And India is also selling arms to them with open heart, so much so that reports are coming that India is ready to give them arms even on loan, that is, if you take the arms, we will take the money later, this is why Russia is worried somewhere or the other.

India is worried because 100% of Armenia’s arms market used to be eaten by Russia alone, but in the last one and a half years, India has wiped out Russia. India is earning huge profits by selling arms worth billions of dollars from Armenia.

And in the future, India will give more big and dangerous weapons to Armenia because we will get big money because Armenia is a very rich country and not a poor country. Another important thing is that by giving weapons to Armenia, we will counter our enemies, especially Turkey.

We will also target the one who is our third enemy after Pakistan and China, that is, for India, making an arms deal with Armenia means the price of mango kernels.

  That is why it seems that Russia is now trying to harm India by indirectly stopping India’s arms supply, but will this happen? Actually, India has an alternative route to Georgia. You can see on the screen that I have made the red colored line below.

This is the route to Iran i.e. this is the route from Iran to Armenia but just above I have made a blue colored line, this is the route to Georgia i.e. you can easily reach Armenia through Georgia.

Who is trying to stop Indian Weapons export

This means that India has an alternative route and India can use it very easily because Georgia is a very anti-Russian country. India will easily use Georgia to deliver its weapons to Armenia.

Who is trying to stop Indian Weapons export is Russia.

However, we will not face any issue. What remains to be seen is what statement Russia gives on these allegations.

Jai Hind!

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