Flood Biggest Problem for China in 2024

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Flood Biggest Problem for China in 2024 and Upcoming Years Friends, no one can deny that this is the worst habit of us humans that when we do something against nature, there is happiness in the world, people say that we have conquered nature, we have defeated nature.

But when in reality one’s obstacle form is found in nature and man is told how much he has to sow in front of nature, then we humans start crying and beating and assume our own obstacle form of nature and make man dependent on nature. They impose that this is natural destruction and man cannot do anything.

But the real thing is that everything is done by humans, they are made by them and its specialty is, first of all we got to see it in Joshi Math in India, after that a week ago we got to see it in Dubai, where in the last 25 -30 was seen in Dubai. Since ancient times, rainfall was being done in an artistic manner through chemicals and the result is that today there is only water in Dubai.

There is flood everywhere in the houses of the people living in their houses. Yes, due to the severe flood in the middle of the desert, Mashvira is roaming in Dubai but there is no shortage in it but now what is in China is in front of it, then Joshimath. And Dubai is a very small thing, if you don’t believe then read this article, it is coming out of China.

The situation in China is that at least one crore people have had to build their houses, that is, 1 crore people have to build their houses or have to shift to some other place. More than 1 lakh houses have been completely destroyed. There have been very severe rains and floods in the southern region of China.

Also read: You must have never heard that till date in my life I have never heard of any reason for flood in any country and there is no reason for it. It is not that China has narrowed the rivers, it means that the width of the river may have been reduced again or it may have been increased or it may have suddenly released the water from the rain dam. This also does not matter, there is no reason.

The danger of floods in China is that in China the rise of the river and the fall of the land are not understood. You can also see on the screen that China is sinking rapidly. The land is sinking several feet every year.

How the real China has used the ground water of its country in the last 25 to 30 years, that is, the water that is inside the ground, which comes out very fast. Apart from this, Fertilizer made it in Kels Micels and the one which is used the most is that most of the water is wasted in textile industry and for this the company has exploited ground water due to which the land dries up faster. It has gone and is becoming hollow.

And the icing on the cake was that China built new cities on that dry and hollow land, Dubai, America, London and Europe helped the cities of foreign countries to build the remaining such enterprises to increase the size of their cities. The installation was started, the lands of the entire city were dug up.

And similar results are happening that the rivers of China are high but are rapidly sinking into the ground. Similarly, they may be light, but as soon as there is light rain, the river water also flows up and immediately into the cities. And even with very little rainfall, 1010 20-20 feet rainfall which is flood occurs in the cities of China.

This is at least the fourth time in the last 12 months that this flood has not occurred in China. Apart from this, fish have also been caught in many districts. Those areas of China which have used their farming gardens for their greenery on a larger scale than in the past, thousands of years In the past three-four years of our ancestors, there had been such a terrible famine in the United Arab Emirates that standing crops were destroyed,

The farmers who were engaged in recovering their land, because there was no name of ground water, hence the farmers are not able to get water for irrigation and this is also a big treasury, the biggest foolishness is that if you If water is also attracted from the ground then you can easily recover it from the river but the water of these rivers is used in making chemicals to increase our industry.

This is the reason that the flow of water in the rivers had reduced rapidly in the last two decades, due to which the ground water which did not get recharged at the time of recharge did not get water at all throughout the year. Here ground water is being paid on three dedicated lines so that even rivers or floods can no longer recharge ground water, hence it is being said,

That in the coming decade, most of the cities will be affected by the flood of these items due to the remains of China and the biggest duster thing is that people will not even get clean drinking water. From my account, this is a big lesson for us. Because India is also going to become a next generation economy, we also have to keep in mind that we have to move our country’s economy forward at a super speed but we should not ruin our country in this process.

Jai Hind!

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